The rates of inclusion of these nutritional elements is on a per kilogram basis. To calculate how much of a particular element would be in each scoop, divide the per kg value by 14.3.
Geeking Out About Ingredients
It is important to note that the listing in our composition is for the elements that are of nutritional value to horses. This is why when the values are added up, they do not equal 1kg.
For example, Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) is a useful ingredient to supplement calcium in the diet. The Calcium component of Calcium Carbonate only accounts for 40.08% of the total mass, the other 59.98% is Carbon and Oxygen. So let’s pretend Equilibrium had a new Calcium product that was made from 100% Calcium Carbonate (we don’t), we would declare 401g of Calcium on the composition because this is the nutritional element most relevant to horses.